Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Foreign hey hey hey. Welcome back listeners to another episode of Just say Something's podcast. Today we're talking about something that affects many of us, especially this time of year, and it's called Blue Monday, which this year falls on January 20th.
[00:00:32] It's considered the most challenging day of the year for mental wellness when the January blues hit their peak.
[00:00:42] The start of the new year isn't always the fresh, exciting beginning we hope for many of us face the whole the post holidays slump coupled with dark cold days. But don't worry, we've got some practical strategies to help you navigate those those dadgum winter blues.
[00:01:07] So one choose an activity over passive activities so when you're feeling low, it's tempted to fall into a passive behaviors like endless scrolling on your phone or your device, Netflix binges. There's always so much that we could watch, but should we?
[00:01:36] So instead of that, try to engage in an activity that gives you a sense of accomplishment. Pick up a hobby you used to love, or clean out that closet that you've been putting off, or clean out that garage that you just that you've been putting off just 15 minutes a day. You might be surprised how quickly the enjoyment returns once you begin.
[00:02:04] Get moving. You know, the more they saying now, just walk and just walk. Just say something. Just walk. Exercise is a natural mood buster booster. I'll get that right one day.
[00:02:21] It's scientifically proven to act as a natural antidepressant and anxiety reducer. Exercise.
[00:02:31] Don't let the winter weather be an obstacle. Turn on your favorite music and dance. Follow a home workout video or do some simple body weight exercises. Your mind might resist, but your body and your mood and the people around you will be grateful.
[00:02:57] Harness the power of smiling and laughter.
[00:03:02] You know it's a simple but effective trick. Smile even if you don't feel like it. Hold that smile for a couple of minutes. I know it might feel silly, but there's science behind this.
[00:03:17] Also, laughing can shift your mood significantly.
[00:03:22] Watch something funny, share jokes with friends, or even try forced laughter.
[00:03:29] It often leads to genuine amusement.
[00:03:34] Explore Meditation. Meditation is a powerful tool for managing depression, anxiety, stress and anger. Try searching for meta meditation or loving kindness meditation and you'll find plenty of free resources to get you started and practice gratitude. Our brains naturally tend to focus on the negative, especially when we're feeling down.
[00:04:06] Gratitude practice can help balance the tendency while improving mood and strengthening relationships.
[00:04:17] So write and share a gratitude letter. Keep a gratitude journal.
[00:04:23] Take daily photos of your best moments.
[00:04:28] Document your daily wins, no matter how small or how large.
[00:04:35] While temporary feelings of sadness are common, especially during the winter months, it's crucial to recognize when you might need professional support.
[00:04:46] If your blues persist beyond a week, interfere with your daily functioning, or lead to feelings of hopelessness, particularly if accompanied by thoughts of self harm or suicide, it's time to reach out to get help.
[00:05:07] Remember, there are many, many effective treatment options that are available and accessible to our community for free.
[00:05:17] Don't forget we also have 988, which is our local crisis line. If you feel like you need to talk to someone and you don't have anyone, call 988. Someone locally will answer that call.
[00:05:35] So these are just a few of the tidbits that we have for Blue Monday.
[00:05:43] Hopefully you don't experience Blue Monday, but if those around you do, send them this podcast and let them listen to these ideas.
[00:05:53] Well, I want to thank you for tuning in to Just say Something's podcast. Hope you're able to join us again next week. Until then, we'll see you later.